
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要

2013年,被许多学者称为“互联网金融的元年”。从2013年至今年,互联网金融这一新的知识概念人们从对其的一无所知到了众所周知。由于互联网近几年来的快速发展,互联网金融企业源源不断的涌现出来。互联网金融以其交易效率高、覆盖面广、发展迅速等特点对我国传统金融业产生了巨大的冲击。尤其是冲击了我国传统商业银行的业务,导致了以商业银行为代表的传统金融业的市场份额的降低,从而迫使中国的商业银行实现盈利模式、管理体制、业务创新以及支付系统等方面的自我创新。这也造成了一种“鲶鱼效应” - 互联网金融影响了中国传统商业银行的发展,同时也间接推动了中国金融业的改革、创新和进步。所以,本文主要通过对互联网金融和中国商业银行这两个主题的研究,探讨在互联网金融发展的情况下,中国商业银行盈利能力受到的影响。这对今后互联网金融自生的发展以及我国商业银行发展战略的制定具有重要的理论以及实践意义。


The Impact of Internet Finance on the Profit Status of China's Commercial Banks


In 2013, it was called "the first year of Internet finance" by many scholars. From 2013 to this year, Internet finance, a new concept of knowledge, went from unknown to well known. Due to the rapid development of the Internet in recent years, Internet financial enterprises keep emerging. Internet finance has great impact on China's traditional financial industry because of its high transaction efficiency, wide coverage and rapid development. In particular, it has impacted the business of China's traditional commercial Banks and led to the decline of the market share of the traditional financial industry represented by commercial Banks, thus forcing China's commercial Banks to realize self-innovation in profit model, management system, business innovation and payment system. This has also created a "catfish effect" - Internet finance has affected the development of China's traditional commercial Banks, but also indirectly promoted the reform, innovation and progress of China's financial industry. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the impact of the development of Internet finance on the profitability of Chinese commercial Banks through the study of Internet finance and Chinese commercial Banks. This has important theoretical and practical significance for the self-generated development of Internet finance and the development strategy formulation of China's commercial Banks in the future.

Keywords: internet finance; commercial bank; accounting; profitability


1 引言 6

1.1研究背景 6

1.2 研究的目的和意义 6

1.3文献综述 6

1.3.1国内文献综述 7

1.3.2国外文献综述 7

1.4研究内容与方法 8

1.4.1研究内容 8

1.4.2研究方法 8

2.互联网金融相关定义概念 9

2.1互联网金融的内涵 9

2.2互联网金融相关的理论 9

2.2.1现代金融中介理论 9

2.2.2金融脱媒理论 10

2.2.3长尾理论 10

2.3互联网金融的特征 11

2.3.1交易方便,效率高且受众广泛 11

2.3.2交易成本低 11

2.3.3覆盖面广,发展速度快 11

2.3.4政策管理薄弱且风险大 11

2.4.互联网金融在我国的的发展状况 11

3.以余额宝为案例进行分析 14

3.1余额宝的含义、主体框架以及业务流程 14

3.1.1含义 14

3.1.2余额宝的主体框架 14

3.1.3业务流程 15

3.2余额宝相较于传统商业银行的创新点 15

3.3余额宝对传统商业银行盈利能力的影响 15

3.3.1余额宝造成活期存款的转移,影响商业银行地位 15

3.3.2余额宝对我国传统商业银行理财产品的影响 18

3.3.3余额宝对基金代销的影响 19

3.4小结 19

4.互联网金融下商业银行解决的措施 21

4.1商业银行应以客户为导向,关注客户需求和体验,提高服务水平 21

4.2注重互联网思维,紧随互联网潮流,加快互联网技术的应用 22

4.3调整战略,合作共赢,共创辉煌 22

4.4加大对专业技术人才的培养 22

5结论 24

6.致谢 25

参考文献 26

1 引言




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