
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要



The development trend of cloud accounting in the information era and security problem analysis


With the continuous development of science and technology and information technology,Based on the cloud computing cloud accounting become the new direction for the future development of accounting.Cloud accounting for the modern information society provides a transparent service virtualization software as a service, resource, system model,and make more users can share resources.At present,accounting is developing in the early stage of cloud, the size of the market is relatively small, but its appealing prospect.Cloud accounting, since it was introduced in domestic universal attention by many scholars, cloud the operation mode of the accounting environment of accounting staff to the psychological and behavior have a profound impact, the role of accounting personnel to the compound direction gradually.At the same time, the enterprise managers began to pay attention to the cloud accounting under the informatization development prospects., the cloud accounting as a new thing in the process of its development is also the inevitable face various problems and challenges.This requires countries to adopt corresponding policies and techniques to control and solve the bottleneck problem in the process of accounting in the development of cloud, make it keep up with the trend of the information technology to get better development.The reference to a large number of documents based on, to Suzhou NG financial advisory services as an example, combined with the specific situation to analyze the cloud accounting development trend and the existence of security problems.

Key words:cloud accounting;Information security;development trend


摘 要 1

关键词 1

前言 4

1.1研究的背景 5

1.2研究的意义 6

1.3研究方法 6

云会计的相关理论 7

2.1云会计理论概述 7

2.1.1云会计定义 7

2.1.2云会计特征 7

2.2云会计国内外研究现状 8

2.2.1国外研究现状 8

2.2.2国内研究现状 9

2.2.3国内外综合评述 10

案例分析 10

3.1企业概况 10

3.2传统工作方式 11

3.3企业云会计财务方式 11

3.3.1购买 K/3 WISE云服务 11

3.3.2 金蝶K/3 WISE工作方式 11

3.3.3金蝶K/3 WISE软件运行方式 12

3.3.4金蝶K/3 WISE对从业人员的要求 12

3.4客户对金蝶K/3 WISE的担忧 12

3.5根据NG公司存在的问题分析云会计的优缺点 12

3.5.1云会计的优势 13

3.5.2云会计的缺点 13

4. 云会计的安全问题分析 15

4.1安全隐患 15

4.2安全对策 15

总结 17

致谢 18

参考文献 18



第三次工业革命为全球带来了数字革命的浪潮,人们的日常生活与工作都变成一堆堆的数字信息,同时,数字革命浪潮也颠覆了许多已经存在的概念与理论,经济发展面临着前所未有的挑战。在处理大量数据的基础上,谷歌和IBM等大型互联网公司相继提出了云计算。2006 年 8 月9 日,Google的首席CEO Eric Emerson Schmidt在搜索引擎大会上第一次提出了“云计算”的概念,2007 年谷歌和 IBM 开始在美国的一些校园里推广旨在降低分布式计算技术在学术研究方面的成本的云计算计划,云计算开始在商业领域得以施行。云会计的使用者们不用添置大型且高昂的电脑配置,只需要付少许的服务费就可以满足他们对财务数据处理的需要以及信息计算力等多方面的需求。当前,云会计逐渐成为信息产业领域增长速度较快之一,是会计信息化领域的未来发展方向,也将产生强大的市场需求。云会计简单的说,就是“会计 云计算”,这是云计算环境下的会计日常工作流程,通过虚拟的会计信息云系统的建立,完成对日常会计工作的核算与监督。


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