
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要




Financial management and measure on Beijing Toread Outdoor Products Co


Beijing Toread Outdoor Products Co successfully landed on the GEM in 2009, becoming the first batch of 28 enterprises in the GEM, and is the leading brand of outdoor products in China. In recent years, the company's development is not optimistic. The operating profit in 2017 is negative. It can be seen that there are many problems in the company. The urgent task is to find out the financial management problems of the company and reverse the adverse situation.

Based on the data of balance sheet, this paper analyses all the ability of the company, and uses DuPont analysis method to make a comprehensive analysis, and finds out the main reasons for the decline of the company's profits. According to the reasons for the decline, it puts forward measures and suggestions to solve the problem. Through the research, it is found that the company has more accounts receivable, less cash income, high cost of raw materials, there are certain financing risks and greater repayment pressure. At the same time, the company's competitiveness is declining. This paper puts forward corresponding solutions: balancing sales market, expanding overseas markets, expanding e-commerce channels, improving the utilization rate of funds and reducing costs. And enhance the company's sales ability, introducing talents, continuous innovation, and constantly improve the company's competitive advantage, allows the company to catch up with the rapid development of the times in the outdoor market.

Keywords: Beijing Toread Outdoor Products Co; financial management; Financial statement analysis


1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1选题背景及研究意义 - 1 -

1.1.1选题背景 - 1 -

1.1.2研究意义 - 1 -

1.1.3选取探路者的原因阐述 - 2 -

1.2文献综述 - 2 -

1.2.1国外文献综述 - 2 -

1.2.2国内文献综述 - 3 -

1.2.3国内外文献综述评价 - 4 -

1.3研究内容、方法与论文结构 - 4 -

1.3.1研究内容 - 4 -

1.3.2研究方法 - 5 -

1.3.3创新点 - 5 -

2 公司财务管理与财务报表分析相关理论基础 - 6 -

2.1上市公司财务管理 - 6 -

2.1.1财务管理含义 - 6 -

2.1.2上市公司财务管理的基本原则 - 6 -

2.1.3上市公司财务管理的内容 - 7 -

2.2财务报表分析的基本理论 - 8 -

2.2.1财务报表分析的作用 - 8 -

2.2.2财务报表分析的原则和步骤 - 8 -

2.3财务报表分析常用方法 - 9 -

2.3.1比率分析法 - 9 -

2.3.2比较分析法 - 9 -

2.3.3趋势分析法 - 9 -

2.4综合分析法-杜邦分析法 - 10 -

2.5本章小结 - 10 -

3 探路者公司财务分析 - 11 -

3.1 公司概况与行业背景 - 11 -

3.1.1 公司简介 - 11 -

3.1.2 户外用品行业背景研究 - 12 -

3.2 财务报表数据的基础分析 - 14 -

3.2.1 资产负债表的分析 - 14 -

3.2.2 利润表分析 - 18 -

3.2.3 现金流量表分析 - 19 -

3.3 公司财务管理的指标分析 - 21 -

3.3.1 盈利能力分析 - 21 -

3.3.2 营运能力分析 - 22 -

3.3.3 偿债能力分析 - 23 -

3.3.4 发展能力分析 - 23 -

3.4 杜邦财务分析体系 - 24 -

3.5 本章小结 - 25 -

4 研究结论与对策建议 - 26 -

4.1 探路者财务管理研究结论 - 26 -

4.2 提高探路者财务管理水平的对策建议 - 27 -

4.3 本章小结 - 28 -

5 结语 - 29 -

致 谢 - 30 -

参考文献 - 31 -









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