
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要




Analysis of Influencing Factors of Rural Students' Dropout and policy suggestions


China is the largest developing country in the world. The rural population accounts for the overwhelming majority of our population. Rural education occupies an important position in our education and it is related to the progress and development of rural society, and the improvement of rural labor quality. The development of rural education is a necessary part of the construction of a new socialist countryside and an important part of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Since the beginning of the new century, the ratio of compulsory education in rural areas in China and the ratio of educated people have been continuously increasing. However, a considerable number of students still drop out of school in rural areas. Compared with rural students in the post-70s and the 1980s, it is found that the rural students are no longer in school. It is because the family is incompetent for reading, showing different characteristics from the past.

Through the survey, it is found that the rural students in today’s rural areas are generally out of school because they are tired of learning, they do not see hope for further studies, and they want to go out to earn money. This article analyzes three factors that affect rural students' dropout through empirical research: parental education level, parents' going out, and education expenditure,And from the point of view of income-cost analysis, through the analysis of rural school education and family education, the phenomenon of rural students dropping out of school is explained.

Key Words: Drop out of school ; rural education ; rural student

目 录

1. 导论 1

1.1研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2数据来源,研究假设与研究方法 2

1.2.1数据来源 2

1.2.2研究假设 3

1.2.3研究方法 3

1.3论文结构与本文特色 4

1.3.1论文结构 4

1.3.2本文特色与创新: 5

2. 文献综述 6

2.1教育对农村家庭收入及社会经济的影响 6

2.2我国农村学生辍学研究综述 7

3. 实证分析 8

3.1 样本特征描述 8

3.2 计量分析 12

3.2.1变量设置 12

3.2.2 线性回归 12

4. 规范分析 15

4.1基于成本—收益理论的辍学现象分析 15

4.2教育资源分布不均,农村教育落后 15

4.3成长环境的影响与家庭教育的缺失 16

5. 结论 18

5.1结论 18

5.2政策建议 18

5.2.1发展农村教育,缩小教育差距 18

5.2.2科学定位农村教育,合理发展职业技术教育 18

5.2.3注重文娱活动,重视对学生的人文关怀 19

致 谢 20

参考文献: 21

附录A 23

  1. 导论


我国总体上是一个资源匮乏的国家,虽然资源总数在世界上排名前列,但人均资源数量远低于世界平均水平,按照目前的经济发展情形,我国的资源短缺状况会越来越严峻。一方面是因为自然资源的再生是一个长久的过程,另一方面,我国人口众多,资源需求巨大。尽管几十年来依靠计划生育政策,我国的人口数量得到控制,但由于人口基数大带来惯性效应,在2005年至2014年的10年间平均每年新增人口仍达到600万人以上,目前将近14亿 ,占全世界人口的20%。依照现有资源数量以及我国能源消耗水平,巨大的人口数量已为我国社会经济的可持续发展带来了生态和资源压力。在我国经济发展水平以及质量都还不充足的情况下,过度消耗资源,破坏生态环境,造成的危害在日后无法弥补,先发展后治理的路线在我国行不通。因此,只有结合我国国情,转变过度消耗资源的粗犷型发展模式,将依靠资源的发展转变成依靠人的发展,把蕴藏在亿万人大脑中的潜在智慧转变为先进的生产力,加大人力资本投入,化人口压力为高水平高质量的人力资源,优化人力资本与物质资源的搭配组合,这样才能减轻对自然生态的破坏,提高我国经济可持续发展的能力。充分开发我国的人力资本优势,将巨大的人口压力转化为促使经济发展转型升级的内在驱动力,释放“人口红利”,这要求我们必须提高劳动者的素质,而发展农村教育是提升农村人口素质水平的有效手段。


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