
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要


本文以实地调查的方式来探究工商企业进入林地的过程及其影响性。在调研案例村背景的基础上,分析工商企业以“公司 农户”的主要模式进入林地过程,并具体分析了中介组织及其政府在其中扮演的角色,进而来探讨公司与农户、公司与中介、公司与政府之间的关系。最后,通过对公司与农户合作中出现的四个突出性问题进行了分析,得出工商资本进入林地过程并不十分规范的结论。


关键词工商资本 林地 路径 规范性



Because social excess capacity and local governments to actively guide, now more and more business enterprises into the countryside, driving the development of the rural economy, but also makes the contradiction between companies and farmers growing. In this paper, we study the industrial and commercial capital into the path of the forest and its standardization, the maintenance of industrial and commercial enterprises and peasant household good relations, and promote rural economic development has the positive significance.

In this paper, by the way of field investigation to explore into the forest land and its effect upon the process of industrial and commercial enterprise. Background of the research case village, on the basis of analysis of industrial and commercial enterprises with the main mode of "company peasant household" in the process of forest land, and analyzes the intermediary organizations and the role of government in which, in turn, to discuss company and farmers, with the mediation, the relationship between the company and the government. Finally, through to the company and the farmers in the cooperation of four prominent sexual problems were analyzed, it is concluded that industrial and commercial capital in the process of forest land is not very standard.

In this paper, a case study showed that the industrial and commercial capital into the forest to the enterprise, government and farmers have a positive impact. But its drawback is that in business cooperation with the farmers, the farmers in the unequal status, the status of the information asymmetry, industrial and commercial enterprise profit behavior not to damage the interests of farmers, the government's intervention, just for the sake of the development of local economy, without considering the interests of farmers, the weak position of peasant is more outstanding. Farmers in interest appeal cases cannot be effectively, it is easy to interrupt the relationship with the industry and commerce enterprise.

Key words: industrial and commercial capital,woodland,the path,normative



摘要 I


1 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究综述 1

1.3 研究目的 3

1.4 研究意义 4

1.5 研究内容 4

1.6 研究的技术路线 5

1.7 资料收集方法 6

1.8 研究可能的创新点与不足 6

2 研究地背景介绍 7

2.1 调查地点的选择 7

2.2 黄石村概况 7

2.3 土地资源 7

2.4 林地权属 8

2.5 经济情况 8

2.6 社会生活状况 8

2.7 林地演变 9

2.8 农户对林地的传统利用方式 9

3 工商资本进入林地的途径 11

3.1 金光 APP 简介 11

3.2 林业产业链分析 11

3.3 “公司 农户”模式 12

3.4 中介在公司与农户合作中扮演的角色 15

3.5 政府在公司与农户合作中扮演的角色 17

4 APP 进入林地后带来的影响 19

4.1 APP 进入林地对农民的影响分析 19

4.2 给当地环境带来的影响 20

4.3 给 APP 本身带来的影响 20

4.4 给当地政府带来的影响 20

5 研究案例的相关问题讨论及案例研究结果 21

5.1 研究案例的相关问题讨论 21

5.2 案例研究结果 22

6 研究结论及对策建议 23

6.1 结论 23

6.2 对策建议 23

致谢 25

参考文献 26



1 引言

1.1 研究背景

自从 2013 年中央一号文件第三部分第四条指出:“鼓励和引导城市工商资本到农村发展适合企业化经营的种植业。”这几年来,工商资本进入林地的势头愈加猛烈。虽然中央下发的一系列文件中都对工商资本下乡做出了严格的限制,但仍然挡不住这一势头。工商资本进入林地补上农村发展资金、技术、管理等方面的短板。然而,工商资本进入林地就像把双刃剑,存在着一些弊端。这几年来,企业与农户关于利益方面的争执时有发生。

本文之所以以广西桉树为例,其一是桉树生长速度快,是目前工业原料林的主要树种。其二是广西在种植桉树上具有代表性。桉树大部分分布在南方地区,尤其在广西,大部分闲地、荒山都种植了桉树,广西成为我国桉树主要栽培区。因此广西不仅引起了国内各地从事木材和林产品的企业家的青睐,还吸引了国外的资本家进入广西开拓市场,如著名的金光 APP(印尼)、王子造纸集团(日本)、斯道拉恩索集团(芬兰)等。

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