
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要



The analysis of the internal compensation gap and the earnings management performance of listing Corporation -- a case study of the beverage listing Corporation


With the increasingly fierce competition between China's listed companies, more corporate focus on the talent competition for more attention, enterprises are mainly through the internal salary to attract more excellent talents, in order to fierce internal talent to play its own value. The internal salary gap of the listing Corporation is the enterprise to use the company's human resources to optimize, strengthen the competition among employees, to promote the economic growth of the enterprise. Earnings management is that a company is through flexible means and to profit as the criterion of setting up the internal compensation standards, earnings as the pay gap within the company can encourage enterprises to the relevant personnel, and ultimately achieve the purpose of the behavior of enterprises. This article in the discussion of salary gap and earnings management related concepts, theories and the relevant research literature at home and abroad based on and on 10 drinks category listed companies pay gap and earnings management status of data analysis, data in 2012-2015 constructing model, using statistical analysis software SPSS in order to analyze the listed company internal pay gap and earnings management performance.

Keywords:Beverage listing Corporation; Internal pay gap; Earnings management; Performance analysis

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 3

1.2.3 研究述评 4

1.3 研究内容与框架 4

2 薪酬差距与盈余管理的相关概念以及理论分析 5

2.1 重要概念解析 5

2.1.1 薪酬差距的概念 5

2.1.2 盈余管理的概念 5

2.2 薪酬管理相关理论分析 5

2.2.1 薪酬管理体系的背景分析 5

2.2.2 薪酬管理的策略分析 6

2.3 盈余管理的优势与劣势分析 6

2.3.1 盈余管理的优点分析 6

2.3.2 盈余管理的缺点分析 7

3 薪酬差距与盈余管理的现状分析——以泸州老窖为代表 8

3.1 薪酬差距分析 8

3.2 盈余管理绩效分析 8

3.3 薪酬差距与盈余管理绩效分析 10

4 实证分析 11

4.1 研究假设 11

4.2 样本的选择和数据的来源 11

4.3样本数据统计分析 12

4.3.1 薪酬差距总体趋势分析 12

4.3.2 构建模型 12

4.4实证结果分析与讨论 12

4.4.1描述性统计分析 13

4.4.2 回归结果分析 13

5 结论与建议 14

5.1 结论 14

5.2 优化酒水类上市公司盈余管理问题的相关建议 14

5.2.1 完善人力资本管理 14

5.2.2 重视高管人员的选拔 14

5.2.3 企业内部薪酬奖励制度 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

附 录 19

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景和研究意义

1.1.1 研究背景



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