
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要





With the accelerating the process of rural land circulation in recent years, land circulation has played a great role in the development of agriculture and has an impact on the traditional planting structure. In some degrees, land circulation results in the changes of the cropping structure and other aspects. Under the new economic condition, the decision-making behaviors about the use of the land by new farmers have been affected by many new factors. The farmers' decision-making influence factors including the farmers' personal behavior, government behavior, marketing, production, the geographical position and so on. This article does researches on the farmers of the Shuyang and Huaian of Jiangsu province .The survey focus on the farmers who inflow the lands from other farmers by using logit model. The survey shows that the farmers’ decision-making on planting are mainly influenced by the level of education of farmers, non-agricultural activities experience, the period of the land into flowing, the land rent, herd behavior characteristics. These factors have significant positive influence on the farmer’s decision-making. However, the farmers’ age has negative effect on farmers’ decision-making. At the end of the article, i just recommend some suggestions which based on the research conclusion, the government need to enhance the quality of agricultural operators and support rural collective organizations and so on.

Doing research into the land of farmers planting operation decision is influenced by what factors will do good to the use of the inflow of land, create more economic value. Revealing the influence factors of famers has a significant meaning in grasping the basic orientation of China's agricultural structure adjustment and making relevant policies.

Key words: Land circulation; The farmer inflow the land; Management decision-making; Affecting factors

目 录

1.引言 1

1.1 问题的提出 1

1.2 论文研究的目的 1

1.3 论文研究的范围 2

1.4 论文研究的内容 2

1.5 论文研究的方法 2

1.5.1 调查问卷法 2

1.5.2 文献资料法 2

1.5.3访谈法 3

1.5.4模型分析法 3

1.6 核心概念的界定 3

1.6.1农村土地和土地流转 3

1.6.2 农户经营决策和规模经营 4

2.文献综述 5

3.江苏省沭阳县和淮阴县土地流转现状 8

3.1 土地流转情况及流转成果 8

3.1.1沭阳县相关情况 8

3.1.2淮阴县相关情况 8

3.2土地流转取得的成效 9

3.2.1沭阳县土地流转成效 9

3.2.2淮阴县土地流转成效 9

4.统计分析 10

4.1 土地流入户基本信息统计描述 10

4.1.1样本人数的年龄结构 11

4.1.2样本人数的文化程度 12

4.2 土地流转前和土地流转后每亩收入情况 13

4.2.1农户流转土地前承包土地面积情况 13

4.2.2农户流转土地面积情况 13

4.2.3农户流转土地前与流转土地后每亩收入对比图及定量分析 14

5.土地流入户种植经营决策影响因素分析 15

5.1影响机制及模型的选择 16

5.1.1影响机制 16

5.1.2模型的选择和解释变量说明 17

5.2 模型估计结果 18

6.政策建议 21

6.1加大农民继续教育,提升农业经营者素质 22

6.2打破土地细碎化,提高土地可流转规模 22

6.3支持农村集体组织,发挥群体影响能力 22

6.4推行经营主体审查机制 23

6.5推进农业专业化分工、产业化生产以及商业化运作 23


致谢 24

参考文献 25

附录 24


1.1 问题的提出


2014年的中央一号文件在我国农村的土地承包经营权问题上给予了很高的关注。文件规定:在符合规划和用途管制的前提下,允许农村集体经营性建设用地出让、租赁、入股,实行与国有土地同等入市、同权同价,加快建立农村集体经营性建设用地产权流转和增值收益分配制度。在国家政策的支持和鼓励下,我国农村土地流转进入规模不断加大 、速度不断加快、流转主体日益多元化以及流转形式不断创新的时期,土地流转对农业的发展起到了极大的促进作用,土地流转后农业规模经营的主体逐渐由原来的种粮大户为主转变为现在的农业企业和农村土地合作社形式,经营内容也由种粮为主转为种植收益较高的经济作物。

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