
 2021-04-14 01:04

摘 要

锂电池概念是目前最受人们关注的新型环保材料之一,自从锂电池在商业中大规模的被人们采用后,凭借着它优异的性能,不断地攻城略地,如今已牢牢地占据了二次电池的高端市场。相对于传统电池来说,锂电池的发展历史很短,但是发展速度却非常的快。众所周知,目前人们最关心的话题就是节能环保,锂电池作为目前性能最优越的可充电电池,单体电池工作电压超过传统电池的两倍,并且可以随时随地的充电,无污染,不存在有毒物质,被称为“绿色电池”。 但尽管锂电池市场规模庞大,但是企业商业化盈利并不乐观,有一些企业甚至陷入到了进退维谷的境地,还有得伤横累累被迫退出,甚至仍有的义无反顾的继续往里砸钱,希望通过时间换空间,最终获得盈利。在评价企业盈利能力时,单个指标难以全面的显示,所以本文综合各个指标,来评价锂电池概念上市公司盈利能力,所以本文通过分析10家锂电池概念上市公司2011年至2015年这5年的一系列财务数据,包括销售毛利率、主营业务利润率、成本费用利润率、总资产收益率、净资产收益率、每股收益和扣除非经营性损益后的每股收益来分析锂电池概念上市公司的盈利能力。


Profitability analysis of listed lithium battery


The lithium battery is one of the most current focus of new environmental protection materials, large-scale lithium battery in business to be used by people, by virtue of its superior performance, has now firmly take cities and seize territory, occupy two of the battery in the high-end market. Compared with the traditional battery, lithium battery has a short history, but the development speed is very fast. As everyone knows, at present people are most concerned about the topic is energy saving and environmental protection, the lithium battery as the most superior performance of rechargeable battery, the working voltage of single battery over traditional battery charging, and can be two times, whenever and wherever possible without pollution, no toxic substances, known as the "green battery". Although the overall size of the market for lithium batteries in the rapidly expand, but the enterprise commercial profit, especially the domestic lithium battery enterprise profit focus is not optimistic, there are some companies even fall into a dilemma, and was forced to withdraw from the cross with injury, even some still hesitate to put money, hope for space by the time, the final profit. To evaluate the profitability of enterprises, a single index is difficult to fully display, so the various indicators, to evaluate the lithium battery concept listing Corporation profitability, so this paper through the analysis of 10 lithium battery concept listing Corporation from 2011 to 2015 this 5 years a series of financial data, including sales gross margin, profit rate of main business cost the cost profit rate, rate of return on total assets, return on net assets, earnings per share and net non operating profit after earnings per share to analyze the profitability of the listing Corporation concept of lithium battery.

Key words: The concept of lithium battery;listed company;Profitability


1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………………………1

1.1 研究背景及研究意义………………………………………………………………………1

1.2 文献综述与问题的提出……………………………………………………………………1

2 锂电池概念企业样本数据的选取及数据来源…………………………………………………4

2.1 样本数据选取………………………………………………………………………………4

2.2 数据来源……………………………………………………………………………………4

3 商品经营能力相关的盈利能力分析……………………………………………………………5

3.1 销售毛利率…………………………………………………………………………………5

3.2 主营业务利润率……………………………………………………………………………6

3.3 成本费用利润率……………………………………………………………………………7

4 资本资产经营能力相关的盈利能力分析 ……………………………………………………10

4.1 总资产收益率 ……………………………………………………………………………10

4.2 净资产收益率 ……………………………………………………………………………11

5 每股收益质量分析 ……………………………………………………………………………13

5.1 每股收益 …………………………………………………………………………………13

5.2 扣除非经营性损益后的每股收益 ………………………………………………………14

6 结论 ……………………………………………………………………………………………16

6.1 研究主要结论 ……………………………………………………………………………16

6.2 政策建议 …………………………………………………………………………………16

致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………………………18

参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………………19

1 绪论

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