
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要



The application of green accounting in carbon emission control of papermaking enterprises

China's economy has developed rapidly at the time of the reform and opening up. In recent years, China has continuously surpassed Britain and Germany in terms of economic aggregate. In 2017, China has surpassed Japan to become the world's second largest economy. However, with the economic development, our country also faces a serious problem, that is, environmental problem. Today, a considerable number of enterprises have carbon emission problems, and China has issued the directive of "mandatory emission reduction in eight industries", including petrochemical, chemical, building materials, steel, non-ferrous metals, paper, electricity and aviation. The carbon emission of papermaking enterprises seriously restricts the coordination and sustainable development of the economy and environmentin China, and further affects the long-term development of China's economy. In order to implement the economic development principle of "sustainable development", it has become one of the urgent tasks for Chinese government and enterprise managers to alleviate the carbon emission of papermaking enterprises. This paper will discuss the green accounting applying in carbon emission control of papermaking enterprises in combination with the domestic and foreign research on green accounting, and use accounting technology to help enterprises calculate environmental benefits and realize cost control on carbon emission reduction.

Key words: Paper enterprises; Carbon emissions; Green accounting; Control and application


1 绪论 1

1.1 问题的引入 1

1.2研究目的及意义 3

1.2.1研究的目的 3

1.2.2研究的意义 3

1.3国内外研究综述 3

1.3.1国内研究综述 3

1.3.2国外研究综述 5

1.3.3国内外研究动态综述 6

1.4论文的创新点 7

1.5研究方法 7

2 绿色会计的概念及出现 8

2.1绿色会计的概念 8

2.2绿色会计的出现 8

3 造纸企业在造纸过程中产生的污染及其严重性 9

3.1造纸企业在造纸过程中产生的污染 9

3.2造纸企业在造纸过程中产生污染的严重性 9

4 绿色会计的提出 11

4.1绿色会计的引入 11

4.2绿色会计的提出 11

5 造纸企业碳排放的管理方法 12

5.1碳排放管理的重要性 12

5.2造纸企业碳排放的管理方法 12

6 运用绿色会计的重要性及其在造纸企业碳排放管理中的运用 13

6.1运用绿色会计的重要性 13

6.2绿色会计在造纸企业碳排放管理中的运用 13

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

1 绪论

1.1 问题的引入



根据《京都议定书》的要求,从2008 年到2012 年,欧盟二氧化碳等6 种温室气体每年的平均排放数量比1990年的排放量低了8%。为了帮助其成员国更好的实现减排这一目标, 获取运用总量交易机制减少温室气体的实战经验,欧盟颁布了排放交易体系,并于2005 年初步实行,2008 年初开始正式运行。欧洲碳排放交易体系是世界上最大的有关于碳排放交易的市场,通过对各企业强制规定碳排放的数量,为全球降低碳的排放做出了巨大的贡献。文件明确而详细的指出我国各行各业要在石化、化工、建材、钢铁、有色、造纸、电力、航空这八大行业上强制减少碳排放,保护环境,减少环境污染。我们林业系统的责任就包含了碳排放的管控,而本文则着重于造纸企业碳排放的管控。

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