
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要




Estimation of CO2 emissions from Rural Biomass Energy


Firstly, this paper introduces the research progress of biomass energy at home and abroad,and secondly, analyzes the status quo of biomass energy in rural areas of China. Based on the statistical data of China Energy Statistics Yearbook from 1997 to 2016, China Agriculture Statistics data, China Rural Statistics Yearbook and China Statistical Yearbook, the biomass energy consumption in rural areas of China from 1997 to 2016 was determined. Based on the existing mathematical model and calculation formula, the consumption of biomass energy which can be converted into CO2 emissions is obtained by mathematical calculation. Through the calculation results, the application of Eviews software was used to analyze the influencing factors of CO2 emissions in rural areas. Finally, it is concluded that the most important factor affecting CO2 emissions in rural areas is the Per capita GDP. In view of the present deficiencies, suggestions are made for the development of biomass energy in the future and a good prospect is put forward.

Therefore, based on the comprehensive analysis of the current situation of biomass energy carbon emissions in rural areas, this paper estimates the CO2 emissions of biomass energy consumption in rural areas of China, taking 1996-2016 as a sample. The total amount of emission and the change of structure are analyzed in order to promote the clean utilization of renewable energy in rural areas, optimize the rural living environment and play a positive role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in China.

Key words:Rural areas;biomass energy;carbon dioxide emissions;energy forecast

目 录

1 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

2 文献综述 3

2.1 国外研究综述 3

2.2 国内研究综述 3

2.3 国内外研究评述 4

3 中国农村生物质能源现状分析 6

3.1 沼气技术 6

3.2 生物液体燃料 6

3.3 气化技术 7

4 估算结果 8

4.1 数据来源 8

4.1.1 秸秆实物量 8

4.1.2 薪类实物量 10

4.1.3 沼气实物量 11

4.2 二氧化碳排放量估算 12

4.2.1 秸秆、薪柴的CO2排放量计算公式 12

4.2.2 沼气的CO2排放量计算公式 13

4.3 生物质能资源总量及其分布 14

5 结论与建议 17

5.1 主要结论 17

5.2 建议与展望 17

致 谢 20

参考文献 21

1 引言

1.1 研究背景

随着社会经济水平的不断发展,人口不断增加,世界各国人们对于能源的消费与需求日益增加,其需求已经远超过现有的生物能源的开发利用速度。可再生清洁能源的开发和使用已逐渐成为世界各国人民普遍关心的问题。我国在"中国21世纪议程白皮书"中明确指出:经济的快速发展必须立足于加强生物质能的开发利用,并利用生物质能尽快在主要地位生产清洁液体燃料技术[[1]。根据有关研究数据,到2015年,中国可再生能源利用率已达到12%,而生物质能利用比例仅占可再生能源使用总量的8%。根据"十三五"生物质能源发展规划,预估到2020年,世界能源需求量将达到 128.89亿吨油当量[2],生物质能源消费总量将达到5700万吨标准煤,可再生能源消费量将占能源消费总量的15%。

随着工业革命的进展,许多发达国家在工业化进程中消耗了大量的能源资源,直接导致大气中温室气体浓度的增加。最显着的变化是过去50年全球气候的逐渐升温,这对全球自然生态系统产生了重大的负面影响。它对人类社会的生存和发展提出了严峻的挑战。[3]。 国际能源署( IEA)发布的报告显示,目前与能源相关的 CO2排放量已达到历史最高排放量,到2020年,能源使用和二氧化碳排放量将增加至少30%,到2050年将增加50%。 这就造成,全球气候温度最少升高6摄氏度,人们在未来将面临更加严峻的经济、环境和能源安全问题[4]

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