
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要





Forecast of Grain Production in Anhui Province

and Analysis of Main Influencing Factors in 2018


As a member of the research group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the author participated in some research work. Through the investigation of the Statistics Bureau of Anhui Province, the provincial Price Bureau, the provincial agricultural and forestry department, the provincial agricultural committee, the provincial development and Reform Commission, the provincial material and material companies and other departments, the relevant data were collected, and the grain output of the province in 2018 was predicted and the main factors were analyzed.

As one of the main grain bases in China, the prediction of Anhui province output can be used as a reference for government departments to make decisions. The final study of this paper holds that the total grain output of 2018 Anhui province will reach 35 million tons, including the affected area, the effective irrigation area, the total power of agricultural machinery, the purification of agricultural fertilizer, the application of pesticide, the area of the sowing and the agricultural labor, but the most important factors are the area of disaster, the effective irrigation area and the amount of pesticide application.

In view of the main effects above, this paper holds that in order to improve the total grain output of Anhui Province, we must actively prevent the occurrence of the disaster and reduce the area of the disaster. At the same time, we should actively strengthen the construction of the rural water and canal facilities so as to increase the irrigation area of the farmland, and improve the use of pesticides, but it can be improved properly. Finally, the Anhui provincial government should actively improve the relevant policies to protect agriculture.

Key words: Anhui province; Food production; Influencing factor; To predict; Multiple linear regression

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.1 安徽省粮食生产现状 - 1 -

1.1.2 安徽省粮食生产在全国的地位 - 1 -

1.2研究意义 - 2 -

1.2.1理论意义 - 2 -

1.2.2实际意义 - 3 -

1.3研究方法 - 3 -

1.3.1 实地调研法 - 3 -

1.3.2 文献调查法 - 4 -

1.3.3 模型分析法 - 4 -

2文献回顾与全文框架 - 5 -

2.1基本理论回顾 - 5 -

2.1.1 影响因素 - 5 -

2.1.2 模型的检验 - 5 -

2.2学术观点回顾 - 5 -

2.2.1 S拟合与BP神经网络法 - 5 -

2.2.2 组合模型分析法 - 6 -

2.2.3 时间序列分析法 - 6 -

2.3政策法规回顾 - 6 -

2.3.1 中央有关粮食生产的相关政策 - 6 -

2.3.2 有关职能部门有关粮食生产的相关政策 - 7 -

2.3.3 安徽省有关粮食生产的相关政策 - 8 -

2.4全文框架 - 9 -

2.4.1 研究主线 - 9 -

2.4.2 全文安排 - 9 -

3影响因素分析 - 10 -

3.1自然影响因素 - 10 -

3.1.1受灾面积 - 10 -

3.1.2有效灌溉面积 - 11 -

3.2 科技影响因素 - 11 -

3.2.1农业机械总动力 - 11 -

3.2.2农用化肥施用折纯量 - 12 -

3.2.3农药施用量 - 12 -

3.3 人为影响因素 - 12 -

3.3.1播种面积 - 12 -

3.3.2 农业劳动力 - 13 -

4建模分析预测 - 14 -

4.1建立模型 - 14 -

4.1.1模型的选择 - 14 -

4.1.2确立主要因素作为自变量 - 14 -

4.1.3模型的求解 - 15 -

4.1.4确立最优方程 - 17 -

4.2模型检验 - 17 -

4.2.1 统计检验 - 17 -

4.2.2 实际检验 - 18 -

4.3数据来源 - 18 -

4.3.1年鉴数据来源 - 18 -

4.3.2部门数据来源 - 19 -

4.4预测 - 19 -

4.4.1受灾面积预测 - 19 -

4.4.2有效灌溉面积预测 - 19 -

4.4.3农药施用量预测 - 19 -

4.4.4粮食产量预测 - 20 -

5研究结论和对策性建议 - 21 -

5.1 研究结论 - 21 -

5.1.1 安徽省2018年粮食产量将继续增长 - 21 -

5.1.2影响粮食产量的主要因素 - 21 -

5.1.3推动安徽省粮食产量增长的重点 - 21 -

5.2对策性建议 - 21 -

5.2.1指导思想 - 21 -

5.2.2重点举措 - 22 -

5.2.3重点难点 - 22 -

致 谢 - 21 -

参考文献 - 21 -

1 绪论


1.1.1 安徽省粮食生产现状


2017年安徽省全年粮食种植面积为6642.5千公顷,比上年减少2.1千公顷。全省耕地面积 433万公顷。全年粮食产量3476万吨,比上年增产58.6万吨,增长1.7%,农业生产形势较好,为历史第二高产年,实现“十四连丰”。

1.1.2 安徽省粮食生产在全国的地位


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