
 2021-04-08 08:04

摘 要



Research on the influence of internet finance on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in China


Small and medium-sized enterprises occupy the vast majority of the total number of enterprises in China, and play an indispensable role in promoting social and economic development and solving social employment. However, because of low mortgage, irregular management and opaque financial information, small and medium-sized enterprises have always been a difficult problem in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The development of internet technology profoundly changes the production, life style of all kinds of people in society, the combination of internet technology and finance, together with big data and cloud computing technology, so that the whole financial industry is facing a revolution. The use of internet financial financing by SMEs has the advantages of enterprise scale, quantity and financing decision flexibility, but also has its own management concept not new, credibility deficiency and risk control ability and other disadvantages. Traditional financial institutions adapt to the internet financial development reform provides new financing models, enterprises use internet thinking to improve their own operation, and internet finance has many opportunities for SME financing. But also with the platform information processing ability of limited, the law lags behind, the credit system is not sound and the society is not aware of the threat. How small and medium-sized enterprises improve their own internal environment, rational use of internet finance brought new channels and new mode of financing, the internet financial era to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises to become the research content of this topic.

Key words: internet finance, small and medium enterprises, financing

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状综述 2

1.3.1 国外研究现状综述 3

1.3.2 国内研究现状综述 4

1.4 论文研究方法与技术路线 5

2 中小企业融资现状 6

2.1 融资规模有限 6

2.2 融资成本高 7

3 中小企业利用互联网金融融资的SWOT分析 8

3.1 中小企业利用互联网金融融资的优势 8

3.2 中小企业利用互联网金融融资的劣势 9

3.3 中小企业利用互联网金融融资的机会 9

3.4 中小企业利用互联网金融融资的威胁 10

3.5 本章小结 10

4我国中小企业互联网融资模式案例分析 12

4.1 基于互联网金融的创新型融资模式 12

4.1.1 互联网金融两种融资模式的概念 12

4.1.2 互联网金融两种融资模式的异同 12

4.2 以阿里金融为典型的“平台 小贷”模式 14

4.2.1 阿里金融的成立与发展 14

4.2.2 阿里金融的“平台 小贷”模式运行机理 14

4.2.3 “电商 平台”融资模式优势分析 15

4.2.4 “平台 小贷”融资模式风险分析 16

5互联网金融时代中小企业的融资对策 18

5.1构建高效的中小企业信用信息传导机制 18

5.2 选择适当金融模式拓宽企业融资渠道 18

5.3加强互联网金融融资风险监控制度 19

结 论 20

致 谢 21

参考文献 22

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究意义


传统金融与网络信息技术的融合催生了互联网金融,对传统金融的创新需求推动信息技术的发展,信息技术的发展又激发了金融模式的革新。以电商模式和P2P 网络借贷平台模式为代表的互联网新兴融资方式,运用大数据分析成功以较低成本实现了较好的风险管理,充分利用信息技术解决了信息不对称,这直接对传统的银行业提出了挑战。互联网金融从侧面促使商业银行从过去单纯的规模扩张型经营向重视客户体验服务型经营转变。近年来,随着中央政策越来越强调中小企业的重要性,占有资金、品牌优势,行业技术优势的商业银行也在积极寻求与互联网金融势力的合作,以加速自身转型发展。这种商业银行与互联网金融新势力间的互动合作源于双方的优势互补。我国也有一些商业银行开始自性搭建电商平台,最早涉足也是目前银行系最大的电商平台就是中国建设银行的“融善商务”,虽然其价格优势被外界看好,但从目前来说其市场运作、运营管理、客户流量和交易活跃度上都难以和传统成熟电商相提并论。因此银行自建电商平台将面临着较大的资金和时间成本,效果也难以预测。

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