
 2021-04-14 12:04

摘 要




Shuyang, Suqian City economic development under the forest research


Forestry is a cyclical and a longer payback period of an industry, and for the cultivation and farming, forest economy to short long, full use of the space under the forest land utilization. Meanwhile, with the ecological and environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, forest economy has become one of China's economic development, countries pay more attention to eco-economy and the development of modern agriculture, continue to increase its support for agriculture requires not only increased in number, but also increase in the quality and efficiency of developing forest economy with the economic, social and ecological benefits. On the reform of collective forest property right system and clear property rights, contracts to household tasks are complete, the land transfer rights clear background, development strategy of forest economy is conducive to the sustainable development of ecological environment and increase farmers ' income and promote employment, solve the problem of transferring rural surplus labor force, achieve win-win economic and environmental.

Under the existing forestry research focused on macro-economic perspective, theoretical practice less, shuyang County economic development under the forest study are few and far between. This research based Yu actual, for famous of flowers of Xiang shuyang of under the forest economic development status and mode for inquiry, developed survey programme for field survey, through field interview and survey questionnaire of way, collected related data, from micro starts with based on farmers perspective, on shuyang under the forest economic development effect factors for analysis, combined fast assessment method, to exploration the area future forest Xia economic development of road and proposed rationality of development countermeasures and recommends.

Key words: forest economy factors; farmer perspective; development countermeasure and suggestion.

目 录

1 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 2

1.2.1研究目的 2

1.2.2研究意义 2

2 文献综述 4

2.1国外林下经济研究概况 4

2.2国内林下经济研究概况 5

3 沭阳县林下经济发展概况 8

3.1林下经济的概念和内涵 8

3.2沭阳县林下经济发展概况 8

3.2.1林菌间作 9

3.2.2林粮间作 9

3.2.3林菜间作 10

3.2.4林下养殖 10

3.3沭阳县林下经济发展存在的问题 11

4 沭阳县林下经济发展的影响因素分析 13

4.1数据来源 13

4.2样本数据分析 13

4.2.1农户基本情况 14

4.2.2农户家庭收入 15

4.2.3农户参与林下经济的意愿与行为 16

4.3农户发展林下经济的影响因素 18

4 .4 小结 19

5 结论与对策建议 21

5 .1 结论 21

5 .2 对策与建议 21

结束语 23

致 谢 24

参考文献: 25

附 录:.......................................................................27

引 言





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