
 2021-04-19 10:04

摘 要


关键词:钢铁业 困境 发展 盈利


For a long time, the steel is considered to be a measure of a heavy industry as well as an important indicator of overall national strength. As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the steel industry occupies a pivotal position in the national economy. However, the rapid development of the steel industry, encountered a series of problems. From a development perspective of iron and steel in recent years, the variety and quality need to be upgraded, progress has been slow, affected by energy and the environment. China's steel industry has developed rapidly in size, but the concentration of steel is not high, the size of the effect is not strong. Industrial layout and economic crisis and other Chinese steel companies are doing the profitability decline, thus making the bottlenecks encountered in the development of our country to be solved. Therefore, the analysis to improve the profitability of steel companies is very important to improve the competitiveness of China's steel industry, in an increasingly competitive global steel industry is a very important position.Key word:Iron and steel industry Dilemma Development Profit


摘要 2

Abstract 2

1绪论 6

1.1研究背景意义 6

1.3国外研究现状 6

1.4国内研究现状 7

2中国钢铁业盈利水平现状 8

3我国钢铁赢利能力下降原因分析 11

3.2技术不先进,劳动生产率低下 11

3.3市场趋于饱和,产能过剩逐步显现 11

3.4.1国内资源环境形势堪忧。 12

3.4.2相关环境政策出台 13

3.5中国钢铁企业小而分散 13

4宝钢企业状况 14

4.1宝钢企业过去几年盈利能力分析 14

4.2宝钢今年盈利下降分析 15

4.2.1成本费用获利能力下降 16

4.2.2、相关产业需求下降,经济下行 17

4.3宝钢未来的发展趋势 18

4.4宝钢的应对措施 19

4.4.1、加速改革,重组钢铁业格局 19

4.4.2、寻找新盈利增长点 宝钢可推进电商新领域发展 20

4.4.3.高瞻远瞩,放眼全球 20

4.4.4.重视企业文化建设,打造新型钢铁企业软实力 21

5新形势下我国钢铁业发展策略及政策建议 21

5.1积极实施并购重组,实现规模效益 22

5.1.1如何实现重组 22

5.1.2重组的战略意义 23

5.2技术创新,提升产品附加值 24

5.4积极改变营销策略 25

5.5寻求政府与行业的支持与协作 26

5.6实行全面成本管理,提高精细化管理水平 26

5.6.1实行全员管理。 27

5.6.2重视成本管理。 27

5.7多措并举,提高行业盈利水平 27

5.8相关政策的重视与支持 28

6结束语 29

7致谢: 29

8参考文献 30





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