
 2021-04-08 01:04

摘 要

野生菌是非木材产品之一,为林下资源,不仅仅是云南大理市区居民重要的经济来源,更是在该地区不可或缺的特色产业、文化产业。云南大理具有丰富的野生菌资源,品种齐全,营养价值高,云南在野生菌出口贸易量、出口种类、出口创汇位居全国第一。野生菌在云南省内很受消费量青睐,在云南饮食市场上占据巨大份额。但省外、的消费者并不了解野生菌的食用方法与营养价值,对野生菌的消费意识尚未建立起来,因此多年来云南野生菌在省外的销售份额一直不甚乐观,没有形成全国知名的野生菌产品品牌。近几年,国内“互联网 ”理念的提出,将互联网作为当前信息化发展的核心特征。作为大理一张靓丽的名片,野生食用菌应该抓住历史机遇,让野生菌产业插上互联网之翼,促进野生菌产业转型升级,更好的促进大理当地经济发展,更好促进新型城镇化建设。笔者通过对国内外关于野生菌销售系列研究成果进行了归类和分析总结,对影响云南大理野生菌销售的因素进行了分析,希望能从这些研究成果中探索总结出对云南大理野生菌销售问题的解决行之有效的对策。

关键词:云南大理 野生菌销售 互联网加 对策

Research on the sales of wild fungus based on "Internet " in Dali, Yunnan


Wild fungus is one of the non-wood products. It is not only an important economic source for the residents of Dali, Yunnan, but also an indispensable characteristic industry and cultural industry. Yunnan Dali is rich in wild fungi resources with complete varieties and high nutritional value. Yunnan ranks first in the export trade volume, export types and export earnings of wild fungi in China. Wild fungi are very popular in Yunnan province, and they occupy a large share in Yunnan catering market. However, consumers outside Yunnan Province do not understand the edible methods and nutritional value of wild fungi, and their consumption awareness of wild fungi has not yet been established. Therefore, the sales share of wild fungi outside Yunnan Province has not been optimistic for many years, and there is no well-known brand of wild fungi products in China. In recent years, the concept of "Internet " has been put forward in China, and the Internet has been the core feature of the development of information technology. As a beautiful business card of Dali, wild edible fungi should seize the historical opportunity, let the wild fungi industry insert the wings of the Internet, promote the transformation and upgrading of the wild fungi industry, better promote the local economic development of Dali, and better promote the construction of new urbanization. The author classifies and summarizes the domestic and foreign research results on the sale of wild fungi, and analyses the factors affecting the sale of wild fungi in Dali, Yunnan Province, hoping to explore and summarize the effective countermeasures to solve the problem of the sale of wild fungi in Dali, Yunnan Province.

Key words: Dali, Yunnan; Sale of wild fungi; Internet plus; countermeasure

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景及研究意义 - 1 -

1.2 国内外研究现状 - 1 -

1.3主要研究方法 - 3 -

2 野生菌产业及相关概念及理论基础 - 4 -

2.1野生菌的概念与价值 - 4 -

2.1.1野生菌的概念 - 4 -

2.1.2野生菌的价值 - 4 -

2.2相关理论 - 6 -

3 野生菌产业发展状况 - 7 -

3.1野生菌产业发展状况 - 7 -

3.1.1云南省野生菌产业发展状况 - 7 -

3.1.2大理野生菌产业发展状况 - 7 -

3.2大理野生菌销售存在的问题 - 8 -

3.2.1菌农文化水平低、对野生菌网络销售认识不足 - 8 -

3.2.2网络销售人才紧缺 - 8 -

3.2.3消费群体有限、主体单一 - 9 -

3.2.4互联网等先进科技普及率不高 - 9 -

4 关于云南大理野生菌销售影响因素的分析 - 10 -

4.1相关经济指标 - 10 -

4.2模型的设定 - 10 -

4.3数据的收集 - 10 -

4.4模型的估计 - 11 -

4.5模型的检验和修正 - 16 -

5 对野生菌销售问题的措施和对策 - 17 -

5.1提高网民人数,让野生菌可以依靠互联网“走得出去” - 17 -

5.2提高互联网普及率,促进消费主体多元化 - 17 -

5.3提高农民的受教育程度,转变农民传统思想观念 - 17 -

6 结论与展望 - 18 -

致 谢 - 20 -

参考文献 - 21 -

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景及研究意义

1.1.1 研究背景

中国是世界上最大的食用菌生产国和出口国,而云南省是世界上野生菌王国,云南野生食用菌多达九百种,超过世界菌类品种的一半。同时,云南省野生食用菌资源占据中国菌类总产量的三分之二。云南野生食用菌出口种类与出口贸易额均位居全国第一。大理,隶属于云南省大理白族自治州,位于云南省西部,地处云贵高原上,苍山之麓,洱海之滨。是国家第一批列为国家新型城镇化综合试点地区。大理得天独厚的自然环境为野生菌的生长提供了条件,“四时之气,常如初春,寒止于凉,暑止于温”,四季温差不大,全州地形地貌复杂,海拔高差悬殊,立体气候明显。鸡枞、牛肝菌、松茸、青头菌等在大理地区都有广泛分布。近几年,国内“互联网 ”理念的提出,将互联网作为当前信息化发展的核心特征。作为大理一张靓丽的名片,野生食用菌应该抓住历史机遇,让野生菌产业插上互联网之翼,促进野生菌产业转型升级,更好的促进大理当地经济发展,更好促进新型城镇化建设。

1.1.2 研究意义

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